Relationship Awareness October , 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Awareness  October , 2024, by Lady Dyanna“There are two paths to self-worth. One begins with a real or perceived lack of support, love, or encouragement in childhood. As the child becomes an adult, he or she has to decide to have something which was never fostered or nurtured. This is difficult to overcome because there is a false belief that if one’s parents didn’t love them, the two people who should have the most and knew them the most, then how could anyone who truly knew them, love them. Challenges are: letting people in, becoming comfortable with the vulnerability that is love. The second path to self-worth begins with a real or perceived abundance of support, love, or encouragement in childhood. As the child becomes an adult, he or she is accustomed to being loved, approved of, and validated within the home. When this person is rejected, it’s so completely foreign to them that they may be drawn in to try to prove their worth to this job, friend, or relationship. They cannot understand why they are not loved. Challenges are: realizing rejection doesn’t mean that there’s a need to change the self to become acceptable to another, discovering worth that is independent of the agreement or disagreement of others. Neither path is easy. Neither path is impossible to navigate. It may take a few of the same relationship to occur before a pattern is recognized. Even then, if the person comes to the conclusion that “all women are emotional” or “all men are liars” then they are missing their lesson. If, and only if, they recognize their part in allowing the mistreatment to continue and assessing the reasons why, will they be freed from the obstacle of lack of self-worth. The pitfall is to become trapped in wonder if their childhood had only been different. No matter how it had been, there would still be the “other side” to face within adult relationships. Challenges to self-worth would either arise in the form of “that’s all I’ve ever known” or “I’ve never experienced this before. “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships


Weekly Relationship Awareness September 30, 2024 – October 7, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 30, 2024 – October 7, 2024, by Lady Dyanna“Many people believe they are “too nice” and that is why they get treated poorly over and over. Remember the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you’d have done to you.” If you treated someone poorly, would you expect them to just put up with it? Of course not, so you shouldn’t put up with it, either. Being “too nice” to someone who treats you poorly is not a sign that you love them very much, but rather a sign that you don’t love yourself enough. You are worthy of more.  “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships


Mabon 2024

Mabon Blessings

As the wheel of the year turns to Mabon,
We give thanks for the harvest’s bounty.
May the balance of light and dark guide us,
And the wisdom of the season fills our hearts.


Weekly Relationship Awareness September 23, 2024 – September 29, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 23, 2024 – September 29, 2024, by Lady Dyanna“Maybe it’s not that easy, but maybe it’s not that difficult either. Every moment is possible. Moments become days, and days become years. Looking back, you’ll wonder how you made it. How you made it through an impossible time. You’ll have done it moment by precious, possible moment.  “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships


Weekly Relationship Awareness September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024, by Lady Dyanna“Think for a moment about the meanings of the words, “encouraging,” and “discouraging.” Courage is carrying on, despite the presence of fear. To en-courage someone is to enable them to have courage to continue in the direction they are going. To dis-courage someone is to disable them from having courage. One kind word, or one unkind word, could be the one thing that kept someone going, or the last straw that made them quit. Be aware of this when you choose which words you give to people. “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships