What Do I do Now that I found my Twin Flame?

Understanding your twin flame relationship

Many of you have questions about having found your Twin Flame, now what do I do?  You need to understand that this is not an ordinary relationship and it does not adhere to the ordinary rules that you use to determine whether to go or stay in a relationship. First difference is this relationship is the beginning of a spiritual journey. Even though it touches your emotions and may even stir your libido it is still a spiritual union.  This relationship marks the beginning of a spiritual journey in which you get to know as much about your self and your inner essence as a possible and you grow spiritually. If you think a twin flame relationship is strictly about having someone to “call your own” this relationship will be a shocker to you. What happens during the relationship is that you realize that you must become a spiritual being in order to make the relationship work on a physical level. If you are not ready to begin a true spiritual journey then you are probably not ready for a twin flame relationship. If you are not ready to release all the things you think you know and believe about how a relationship should work you are not ready for a twin flame relationship.  If you are not ready to release the baggage from previous relationships and realize this is a unique and different experience you are not ready for a twin flame relationship. That said if you are truly ready then your journey begins by looking within for that which connects you to your Twin Flame.  You must first become one with your inner essence/soul. From there you will be directed on how to proceed with the manifesting of your Twin Flame relationship into the physical. Also be aware that your “ego” and your soul/inner essence can not share the same “house”. So you have some choices to make, when you have made them amazingly enough you will have taken the steps to find your Twin Flame or the steps to work out the relationship in the physical. Finale note since souls which are the base of Twin Flame relationships do not “dangle carrots” know that if you have met your Twin Flame it is because the relationship is meant to manifest in this life time in the physical. The only thing that will stop it is the choices you make.

Does your Confidant Have a Twin Soul?

Sharing details of your twin soul relationship a good idea?

Does the person that you share every up and down, every positive or negative event in your twin soul relationship have a twin soul?  You may be thinking why is that important? Let me ask you another question would you take advice on how to rear your child from someone that has no children and clearly do not understand children or even like them? Probably not. But you will take advice from a “friend” who does not have a twin soul or from someone who say they have a twin soul but have “decided” not to pursue the relationship. Sharing information with either of the above can have an interesting effect. What might be a major breakthrough in the relationship may be treated as a figment of your imagination or as wishful thinking on your part. This then turns what should be positive to doubt and uncertainty on your part. Unfortunately it is your views of the relationship that determines whether it works or not. Whether it manifests or not is determined by you and your connection to the only ones who should be involved in the relationship and that is the souls. Interpretations of events in the relationship is best sorted by your inner advisors or someone who has the experience of  working with and  making progress in their own twin flame/twin soul relationship. When you are introduced to your twin soul/ twin flame it is the souls way of saying it is time to begin a new spiritual journey, it may take you away from all that is familiar, that is a choice you must make. However make no mistake about the fact that it is your journey. It does not belong to your friends or your family. It belongs to you and your soul and your twin souls’ soul, as you make progress it will begin to include your twin souls’ physical form. The more advanced your progress on the journey the more people will join you, some seeking advice, some seeking a like minded companion, some seeking to derail what they do not understand or approve of. If you are confident in your relationship and not seeking validation from others these added people will be no problem. However at the stage where you are still uncertain, your most helpful input will come from within you, from your spiritual companions [his/her soul and yours], not your physical ones. The next time you think to confide something that is clearly part of your twin flame/twin soul journey ask your self will talking about this bring  positive relationship affirming results?

Difficulties What Do they Mean?

Relationship Difficulties

I have been asked many times why is it so difficult to make the relationship work.
Perhaps it is the nature of the relationship that makes it difficult. It is a spiritual based union in a world that does everything in accordance with physical needs and desires. Many relationships are chosen based on some physical formula. Perhaps the person you are attracted to fits a perceived “need” that you have in your life, but what happens when the “need” is fulfilled do you continue the relationship? Move to another relationship to fill another perceived “need”? With a spiritual based relationship it is the souls visualization and desires that are being met. Fortunately the souls have a complete awareness of all that is waiting for you and what you need to get there. The relationship becomes difficult when you try to force it to follow the path of your perceived “need” of the moment. When we focus on what we “need” and “want” instead of creating a situation to cover those needs and wants we create a reality of needing and wanting. Now usually soul awareness and ability to provide what you need out class what you think you need by a country mile. You are insisting on physical communication and therefore you blow up the persons cell phone and e-mail but the communication between the souls is a continuous calm communication that need no physical equipment and you the physical body can take part in that communication process with better success than you have with modern technology. It only requires you to focus on your own soul and your twin souls soul to begin the communication process. Amazing there is no time when he/she will not respond to your call. The other problem with leaving the spiritual out and working only with the physical is that it opens the door for chaos to intervene and interfere.
Recently I “planned” a move. It would bring me to an important place in my spiritual journey and closer to someone important to me. Interestingly enough from the moment I accepted the directions from soul to proceed chaos stepped in with a series of set backs that would in normal circumstances have stopped the progress cold. I believed that my souls visualization for me was accurate. She had shown me that what I should have to continue my spiritual journey awaited me. Based on that I trusted that if she could perceive this and show me where I need to be she could also provide me with the means to be there. Despite the set backs and the continuous financial drains I forged ahead. On several occasions it seems the best choice would have been to just give up as the situation became more problematic. I am happy to say I arrived at my destination all is as she promised. Better than I expected and proceeding as my soul visualized it. All that I can say is what my soul visualize and desire for me is much better than what I could physically bring forth. There is nothing wrong with my ability to manifest just the difference in what my soul is able to visualize and I am able to perceive. When I accept what my soul visualized for me all I really need is faith to see things through to the completion that my soul visualized and to know that we are never given a dream without the ability to manifest it. The key is to have faith in your souls visualizations and desires for you and in his /her ability to manifest what they have visualized, especially in a relationship that belongs to her/him.. They have an advantage of having done it many times before and having overcome the obstacles that have tried to separate them in the past. They can do it again and again the only time they are unable to move a situation to it’s true outcome is when you put your fears and your doubts in the way and add your perceived “needs” to the list of other obstacles. It is easy to overcome outside interference but hard to battle your self. The difference between what we think we need is that we are focused on that need and the rest of the picture go unseen we forget what we have been shown. We forget the souls power to manifest through us what it has visualized for us. If you feel that things are not going as they should then step back and refocus your energy to “what my soul visualize and desire for my life is mine now”. Once you do that watch the picture unfold and the events move rapidly into the proper sequence that will bring you what you desire. If you move a few steps forward and then take over the controls again and slip back into your “needs” and Wants don’t be shocked when things fall apart again. That is just the nature of the situation and it is what makes the relationships so difficult. It is the tools that you apply and if the job needs soul to be completed and you shut soul out because you have hit a bump in the road then the bump becomes a mountain. If you continue your path hand in hand with soul to complete his/her relationship the bumps are just that bumps. There is no situation in a twin flame relationship that the souls involved can not over come except the bodies shutting them out and taking the reins in their own hands. This applies to any spiritual path and any place you are on that path. All is never lost unless the bodies perception overrides the souls awareness and knowledge.

Seeking Your Twin Flame

Looking for your Twin Flame  or Twin Soul?

So you are seeking your twin flame or twin soul? You are not having a lot of luck finding that elusive relationship.
You have met lots of people who might work. They turn out to be not at all what they initially seem or they want something different from what you think a twin flame or twin soul relationship should be. You met someone whose energy zinged with yours or so it seemed but there were other problems with this person. They could not possibly be your twin flame or twin soul they were just too different from what you expected.
Here is what you may be doing wrong:
1] You may not be seeking from a spiritual place within your self. You may think that you are but chances are that you started there but drifted away from it.

2] You are allowing your physical ideas and ideals of who this person should be override the spiritual connection that indicates the true twin flame/twin soul relationship.

3] You are most likely taking advice about what to expect from sources that do not have a twin flame or twin soul.

4] You may expect the relationship to follow the same patterns of every relationship you have had in the past.

5] You have actually found the twin flame/twin soul but is in denial because of a myriad of differences that would make a none spiritual/soul based relationship fail. So you are not giving it a chance but off seeking the ideal person again.

6] You have not realized that ideal physical attributes [looks, race, age, income, career, etc…] does not necessarily go with a twin flame/twin soul relationship. And that a deep and abiding love is possible even if the ideal physical attributes are not all present.

Manifesting Your Relationship

When you think of your Twin Flame relationship do you think of it being something that will occur in the future or do you think of it as happening right now? Manifesting anything requires that we believe that we have a right to it and visualizing that it is here now in our lives. Manifesting require us to focus in the present in a positive way.

Manifesting a loving Twin Flame Relationship requires that you believe that you deserve to be part of this special relationship. Believe in yourself, love yourself, it is okay to recognize that you are special and have experienced something unique and different from your friends and family.

Our twin flames mirror us in many ways how do you expect him/her to love you if you do not love you? Look within do you love yourself, do you even like who you are, are you happy with the person you see in the mirror or are you always finding fault with him/her? Believing in your self and loving yourself gives of a very different energy from the person who is constantly down on themselves and negative about who they are.

Manifesting love like all things start within. It starts with your thoughts and what you truly believe about yourself. The power of positive thinking began within you, when you find yourself doubting your right to have a special loving relationship you are still manifesting. If you must manifest something for your life make it positive not in a narcissistic way but in a I AM THAT I AM way. You are special and you deserve a special loving relationship when you believe that so will your Twin Flame/ Twin Soul.Many people say Twin Flame/ Twin Soul relationships are difficult. They are difficult because to have such a relationship one must fight the hardest battle of all that is the battle of self. One must manifest personal changes in their beliefs about themselves about their I AM presence and about the “limits and boundaries” they have allowed to control their lives. All created by their thoughts and beliefs.
There are many outside negative influences that make the relationship difficult but the ones that must really be overcome first and foremost are the ones within.

What we believe and what we think is what we manifest in our lives, our relationships, career. finances etc… Isn’t it time you took a more positive approach to your Twin Flame/Twin Soul relationship, to yourself and all aspects of your life?

Lady Dyanna’s book Forever Twin Flames and Twin Souls A Guide for Soul Based Relationships offer insight into how to address the positive approach to soul based relationships. It teaches you how to use affirmations to focus positive intent and thoughts into your life.