Lady Dyanna has a special offer until August 31st
The energy of The Magician in a relationship reading indicates you are with the person who is right for you. That does not mean everything is perfect all the time. However, you can rest assured that with focused intent on what you want in this relationship you have an excellent chance of making it happen. The energy of the magician indicates a relationship with a strong spiritual connection that needs intention and action to keep it flowing smoothly.
If you are single the energy of The Magician indicates you will meet your twin soul, life mate, soul mate. This person will be interested in a serious relationship, will be really into and will treat you well. The relationship will stem from a strong spiritual bond. If you want it to work you will need to work on both the spiritual and the strong emotional connection between you.
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This card was last seen on July 2, 2019
Wizards Tarot