What Do I do Now that I found my Twin Flame?

Understanding your twin flame relationship

Many of you have questions about having found your Twin Flame, now what do I do?  You need to understand that this is not an ordinary relationship and it does not adhere to the ordinary rules that you use to determine whether to go or stay in a relationship. First difference is this relationship is the beginning of a spiritual journey. Even though it touches your emotions and may even stir your libido it is still a spiritual union.  This relationship marks the beginning of a spiritual journey in which you get to know as much about your self and your inner essence as a possible and you grow spiritually. If you think a twin flame relationship is strictly about having someone to “call your own” this relationship will be a shocker to you. What happens during the relationship is that you realize that you must become a spiritual being in order to make the relationship work on a physical level. If you are not ready to begin a true spiritual journey then you are probably not ready for a twin flame relationship. If you are not ready to release all the things you think you know and believe about how a relationship should work you are not ready for a twin flame relationship.  If you are not ready to release the baggage from previous relationships and realize this is a unique and different experience you are not ready for a twin flame relationship. That said if you are truly ready then your journey begins by looking within for that which connects you to your Twin Flame.  You must first become one with your inner essence/soul. From there you will be directed on how to proceed with the manifesting of your Twin Flame relationship into the physical. Also be aware that your “ego” and your soul/inner essence can not share the same “house”. So you have some choices to make, when you have made them amazingly enough you will have taken the steps to find your Twin Flame or the steps to work out the relationship in the physical. Finale note since souls which are the base of Twin Flame relationships do not “dangle carrots” know that if you have met your Twin Flame it is because the relationship is meant to manifest in this life time in the physical. The only thing that will stop it is the choices you make.

Does your Confidant Have a Twin Soul?

Sharing details of your twin soul relationship a good idea?

Does the person that you share every up and down, every positive or negative event in your twin soul relationship have a twin soul?  You may be thinking why is that important? Let me ask you another question would you take advice on how to rear your child from someone that has no children and clearly do not understand children or even like them? Probably not. But you will take advice from a “friend” who does not have a twin soul or from someone who say they have a twin soul but have “decided” not to pursue the relationship. Sharing information with either of the above can have an interesting effect. What might be a major breakthrough in the relationship may be treated as a figment of your imagination or as wishful thinking on your part. This then turns what should be positive to doubt and uncertainty on your part. Unfortunately it is your views of the relationship that determines whether it works or not. Whether it manifests or not is determined by you and your connection to the only ones who should be involved in the relationship and that is the souls. Interpretations of events in the relationship is best sorted by your inner advisors or someone who has the experience of  working with and  making progress in their own twin flame/twin soul relationship. When you are introduced to your twin soul/ twin flame it is the souls way of saying it is time to begin a new spiritual journey, it may take you away from all that is familiar, that is a choice you must make. However make no mistake about the fact that it is your journey. It does not belong to your friends or your family. It belongs to you and your soul and your twin souls’ soul, as you make progress it will begin to include your twin souls’ physical form. The more advanced your progress on the journey the more people will join you, some seeking advice, some seeking a like minded companion, some seeking to derail what they do not understand or approve of. If you are confident in your relationship and not seeking validation from others these added people will be no problem. However at the stage where you are still uncertain, your most helpful input will come from within you, from your spiritual companions [his/her soul and yours], not your physical ones. The next time you think to confide something that is clearly part of your twin flame/twin soul journey ask your self will talking about this bring  positive relationship affirming results?