In Love and Light
Tag: relationship
Guest Post:Get to know “you” to truly know your twin soul
How is your relationship with your true self?
Your Relationship with your true self is reflected in your twin soul relationship
While working with twin souls and doing spiritual life coaching one theme has continuously presented it self. I find that people believe that they can create the life they desire without their true self participating. If you leave your true self out of your life there will always be something missing, Something just our of reach, It is not possible to compartmentalize your life without some parts of it suffering. By first understanding and choosing to engage your true self in all aspects of your life you are able to get a better understanding of the direction your life needs to take for your ultimate fulfillment. If you are attempting to manifest a twin soul relationship into the physical it is important to first engage with your true self so that you have the benefit of the intuition, perception and awareness of the true self. It is why I have always stated that meeting your twin soul is meant to be the beginning of a relationship between you and your true self. Without that relationship between you and your true self your twin soul relationship tend to struggle. That is because it is hampered by how we perceive things, by facades and illusions interfering. The stronger your relationship with your true self the stronger your relationship with your twin soul. You are able to see past the facades, illusions, and the chaos that is normally present when a twin soul union attempts to manifest physically. With that thought in mind how is your relationship with your true self? Not sure, look at your relationship with your twin soul. Is your relationship with your twin soul progressing as you desire it? What would you like to change in it? Now look again at how you engage with your true self. Twin souls relationships do mirror each other. Your relationship with your true self and with your twin soul mirror each other. Are you trying to make the relationship work without your true self?
Commitment to your Path
Commitment to a idea or a choice may seem redundant. Obviously you must be committed to your soul path and to manifesting your twin soul relationship after all you have done affirmations and other spiritual work. You have even thought about it numerous time. Probably you have done several things on the physical to assure that things move forward. Have you verbalized that Commitment? Have you spoken it out loud? If you have not then verbalize it. Commitment to your soul path and the desire for oneness verbalized, spoken out loud gives a solid feeling to the spiritual work that you have been doing. The same is true when you make a verbal commitment to manifesting your twin soul union into the physical. It is adding to the reality of the spiritual work that you are doing. Do make the commitment to your soul union, make the commitment to having the life that your soul has planned for you in this reality. Do not buy into the idea that you have come this far only to not be able to have the spiritual union manifest into the physical. Your verbal commitment is also helpful in solidifying in your own mind the desired out come for the work you have done.. Many of you do the work but still do not believe that what you are working for will happen. If you do not believe that it will happen then it is less likely to occur. The energy of your belief combined with the spiritual work and the verbal commitment to your belief give your desires energy to manifest. This is not meant to be announced to the world this is meant to work with your mind creating a reference point where mind, body and soul are working towards the same out come. if you do the work and still have doubts you are allowing your mind to hinder your ability to bring into the physical what you desire.