The energy of the 3 of Pentacles in a relationship indicates that is mature and stable. If there were problems you have resolved them and you and your partner are on your way to achieving a new level of intimacy and loyalty. This new energy in the relationship may indicate the purchasing of a home together or go into business together. Whatever the endeavor is it adds strength to the commitment between you and your partner. It takes two committed people to make a relationship work. If you feel that is not present right now remember you don’t need another person to complete you. You are complete even when you are alone. Maintaining that attitude will help you in making your relationship one in which true love can flourish. A partner is not there to complete you but to compliment you, as you understand this you are able to create a stable, secure relationship.
The energy of the 3 of Pentacles if you are single indicates you are likely to meet someone of interest in your workplace.
Daily Relationship Energy Reading
Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading
This card was last seen on July 24, 2019
Steampunk Tarot