“Later on in life, we’re not the same as we once were. We’ve had our hearts broken, faced disappointments and tragedies but made it through. This time is likely the most beautiful outside of infancy. Though we are weary travelers with far less energy than before, we still carry within us a spark of hope and a great deal of love. It is with focus and this energy that we can truly live a life fulfilled. ”
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Weekly Relationship Awareness April 29, 2024 – May 5, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“Instead of thinking, “I will not forgive that person because…” shift it to, “I choose to hold on to the resentment of that pain because…” How does holding on to that pain really help your life? What benefit is there for you to keep it alive? Once you make that shift inside, you will always find reason to forgive, and will never find reason not to. The key benefit to forgiving is the freedom to love and trust again. “Doe Zantamata
Weekly Relationship Awareness April 22, 2024 – April 28, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“The emotion paves the road to the destination. If you act out of love, you’ll end up in a place of love, even though there may be some bumps or changing of roles in between here and then. For example, acting with envy will not lead to a good place once that thing or person is won. There will just be more envy about something else. Like an actor, ask yourself, “What’s my motivation?” Make sure that anger or other places you don’t want to end up don’t motivate your choices or decisions. Those negative emotions tend to begin as reactions to getting hurt, and can only survive once fed with more reasons to continue. If healing is allowed to take place, those emotions can be let go. Moving forward in life can be done from a place of peace, of happiness, and of love. Even though it may not be a sunshine ride along the way over a candy-coated rainbow, the end destination when responding to life with these emotions will be a rewarding and loving location that could not have been reached any other way. “Doe Zantamata
Weekly Relationship Awareness April 15, 2024 – April 21, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
Weekly Relationship Awareness April 8, 2024 – April 14, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“Every single day holds opportunities for growth. If you’re seeing something negative persist in your life, picture a goal of what you’d ideally like that picture to look like instead. Keep that picture fresh in your mind daily, and make choices that are in the direction of that picture. If something or someone does not fit into that picture, then put your attention on someone or something that does instead. “Doe Zantamata