Monthly Relationship Thoughts: Trust


“Trust your gut instinct over spreadsheets. There are too many variables in the real world that you simply can’t put into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security. In most cases, your heart and gut are still your best guide.” ~ Naveen Jain

This is what you need to be aware of when your first go-to is to analyze everything to the umpteenth degree. No matter how much you analyze things the information you are using is inexact and sometimes influenced by chaos and negativity. It is no wonder that your conclusion does not make you happy. You follow what you have chosen because you believe you have used your best resources to reach your conclusion. However, your best resources are usually ego, conscious mind, and others’ opinions that have been passed off as fact.

So trust your “gut” trust your “heart”. Those are guided by intuitive awareness. Intuitive awareness comes from your higher mind. The higher mind has access to all knowledge and awareness via the divine source.  However, I have found that many do not trust their higher mind so, in essence, they are saying they do not trust themselves. If you can not trust your self you are setting up a dangerous situation in which no one else can trust you either. Trust is the foundation of all relationships, beginning with the one between you and your higher mind. If there is no trust there, there will be no trust anywhere in your life. So a relationship with your twin soul, or with anyone will be fraught with anxiety and fear. Every action will be fear-based because you do not trust yourself.