Weekly Relationship Awareness February 20, 2023 – February 26, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness February 20, 2023 – February 26, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“Anyone can hold a grudge, but it takes a person with character to forgive. When you forgive, you release yourself from a painful burden. Forgiveness doesn’t mean what happened was OK, and it doesn’t mean that person should still be welcome in your life. It just means you have made peace with the pain and are ready to let it go. ” Doe Zantamata



Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Though we may be physically apart, spiritually, we are always united, for love transcends space and time. Nothing is missing.

Weekly Relationship Awareness February 13, 2023 – February 19, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness February 13, 2023 – February 19, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“As you learn to trust and act on your sense of intuition, it will continue to strengthen. Soon, it will become like any other sense and will guide you toward good and away from danger. If you saw a train coming toward you, you would move out of the way. If you hear the phone, you answer it. This will become the way your intuition works. You will “just know” when to move toward or away from people and circumstances as reliably as if you saw, heard, or knew with information from any other sense. ” Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness February 6, 2023 – February 12, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness February 6, 2023 – February 12, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“Love heals” isn’t just a wishful thought. Love literally heals a broken heart, dashed hopes, and shattered faith. It gives rise to new dreams out of old ones that were not fulfilled. It sees the importance of the individual, of the moment, and also of the bigger picture at the very same time. It brings peace to tragedy and calm to chaos. It does not erase the hurt, but it always makes it better than it could ever possibly be without it. ” Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness January 30, 2023 – February 5, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness January 30, 2023 – February 5, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“There are 12 Laws of Karma. The Tenth Law is the Law of Change. It states that if you want change, it must start inside yourself. If you are unhappy with something or someone in your life, only ending a relationship with them will not solve the problem. They will just show up again in your life with a different name and a different face. Do you know a person who goes from one bad relationship to another? Are you that person? Remember, the outside world is just a mirror. To have change occur, it must begin with you. ” Doe Zantamata