Oil For Your Lamp Movie

Mother Teresa said, “To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” Most women are so busy filling the lamps of the people they love that they let their own lamps run low. Here is a little movie to remind all women to fill their lamp…

via Oil For Your Lamp Movie.


Hope and Trust

Do you think that your inner being/soul the one whose relationship you are pursuing in the physical would set you up? Do you believe that your inner being would make you aware of a union so profound and beautiful only to leave you hanging? Soul never shows you that which it can not produce in your life. The only thing between you and your twin soul union is your beliefs, your thoughts, your fears, your doubts, and what other people believe about the relationship. Those who have pursued a soul union with all the physical prowess, and relationship advice available to them and failed to bring it to bay believe that it can not be done. My suggestion to  you is to pursue your twin soul union with all the spiritual prowess available to you and with all the knowledge your soul/inner being has about her/his union. Ignore ego and those who address the union from the knowledge of ego…If that is all the information available to you then it is time to look with in past ego to your true inner being…Answers, hope, love and all that you need to make your twin SOUL union work is found there…awareness of how your thoughts, beliefs, fears and doubts affect the union and the other half of the union is the first thing that soul makes you aware of…Do you want that person to think of you with love? Then perhaps you had better perceive them with love…OR if you want them to think of all your faults, all that you have done WRONG in the relationship feel free to dwell on what you perceive as their faults and what they have done wrong. Remember they hold a mirror up to our inner thoughts, fears, doubts, beliefs, so we can see what we are projecting into the physical. Wouldn’t it be better if it was love, and a sincere desire to be one with our inner being that they mirrored. Instead what is being mirrored is: judgmental, fault finding, fearful of being hurt,  fearful that choosing love and spiritual will somehow diminish our material possessions and destroy relationships that we hold dear.. Choosing spiritual/soul and love brings all that belongs to soul forward and soul has prepared for this journey long before it began and before you were aware of it…This soul union is just a small part of what belongs to your spiritual being, she/he is prepared to live and to work here in this time and place to bring her/his energy to this reality now with the relationship, and the entire life package.  All that you need to bring to the table is awareness that your inner being will not lead you to something that it can not give you…

What Do I do Now that I found my Twin Flame?

Understanding your twin flame relationship

Many of you have questions about having found your Twin Flame, now what do I do?  You need to understand that this is not an ordinary relationship and it does not adhere to the ordinary rules that you use to determine whether to go or stay in a relationship. First difference is this relationship is the beginning of a spiritual journey. Even though it touches your emotions and may even stir your libido it is still a spiritual union.  This relationship marks the beginning of a spiritual journey in which you get to know as much about your self and your inner essence as a possible and you grow spiritually. If you think a twin flame relationship is strictly about having someone to “call your own” this relationship will be a shocker to you. What happens during the relationship is that you realize that you must become a spiritual being in order to make the relationship work on a physical level. If you are not ready to begin a true spiritual journey then you are probably not ready for a twin flame relationship. If you are not ready to release all the things you think you know and believe about how a relationship should work you are not ready for a twin flame relationship.  If you are not ready to release the baggage from previous relationships and realize this is a unique and different experience you are not ready for a twin flame relationship. That said if you are truly ready then your journey begins by looking within for that which connects you to your Twin Flame.  You must first become one with your inner essence/soul. From there you will be directed on how to proceed with the manifesting of your Twin Flame relationship into the physical. Also be aware that your “ego” and your soul/inner essence can not share the same “house”. So you have some choices to make, when you have made them amazingly enough you will have taken the steps to find your Twin Flame or the steps to work out the relationship in the physical. Finale note since souls which are the base of Twin Flame relationships do not “dangle carrots” know that if you have met your Twin Flame it is because the relationship is meant to manifest in this life time in the physical. The only thing that will stop it is the choices you make.


Is it more important that your friends and family approve of the decision that you make in your twin soul relationship, or that the decisions that you make resonate with you and your soul? I ask that because sometimes the hardest decision we make is whether to please family and friends or ourselves. There is a fear that if we go against the majority consensus and things not work they will say “I told you so” or not be supportive. How many chances to be happy or to achieve something that is really important to us are lost that way?

Are you willing to let your spiritual journey with your twin soul be handled that way? From where I stand it is more important that the choices I make resonate with my soul and my twin souls’ soul than with any one individual or group of  individuals. It is in this relationship that the majority is not always right. It is in this relationship that the majority should not rule unless it is the souls who are considered the majority. Can you hear the choices of the soul over the opinions of family and friends running through your mind? If not this would be the time I advocate clearing your mind of clutter. It would be a wise thing to release all that does not belong to your soul at this point. Because if you make a choice based on the consensus you will find that later no one “told you to give up on the relationship” they just suggested it was not “right” for you. Sometimes the only thing not “right” for you is other people’s opinions of what is right for you.