Relationship Energy – Monday, December 9, 2019 – Page of Wands – Reading by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Monday, December 9, 2019 – Page of Wands – Reading by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the Page of Wand indicates that the person you are dealing with enjoys creating or attracting drama into the relationship. There may be karmic lessons that need to be resolved which will define and explain their behavior. The energy of this card indicates a need to learn a better way to communicate and to release limiting beliefs and ideals. This change can be facilitated by undertaking major spiritual growth, but be aware that your partner will challenge you. The challenging will only help you grow faster.

The energy of the Page of Wands if you are single indicates a new relationship that is exactly what you want enters your life and it has all the things you are seeking fun, excitement, and fulfillment. You and your significant other share common interest and may even work together.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Daily Relationship Energy Reading

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Oracle Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on September 26, 2019

Shadowscapes Tarot

Relationship Energy – Sunday, December 8, 2019 – The Tower – Readings by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Sunday, December 8, 2019 – The Tower – Readings by Lady Dyanna

The energy of The Tower if you are in a relationship indicates that your relationship has become stuck in a rut. The energy of this card may point to something about your partner shocking you out of the complacency that you have allowed your relationship to drop into. It may make you realize that you are not very compatible. The Tower is forcing you out of the rut and into action you can choose to deal with the issue and grow as a couple. However, if the shock is such that you can not continue on then the energy around this situation shoves you out of an unhappy situation, you may flounder for a bit but remember the energy of this card is also directing you toward your destiny.

If you are single the energy of The Tower represents the need to take a good look at why love seems to elude you. You have built a tower around you that is made of fear, it could be fear of rejection or abandonment. Either way, this card is your wake up call that you need to let go of your fears. Once you do you will find that your mood lifts and the dating scene will have much to offer you.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Daily Relationship Energy Reading

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Oracle Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on July 26, 2019.

The Wizards Tarot


Relationship Energy – Saturday,December 7, 2019 – The Empress -Readings by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Saturday,December 7, 2019 – The Empress -Readings by Lady Dyanna

If you are in a relationship the energy of The Empress indicates this is your happily ever after tarot card. It indicates a relationship that is filled with love and warmth. Optimism and positivity is the energy associated with the person represented by this card. The energy of this card indicates a love so deep that it has the ability to possibly prolong your physical life.

If you are single, the energy of  The Empress indicates you will soon meet someone who will love you unconditionally.  The energy of The Empress indicates it is the right time for affairs of the heart.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Daily Relationship Energy Reading

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Oracle Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on October 25, 2019

Avalon Tarot


Relationship Energy – Friday, December 6, 2019 – The Magician – Reading by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Friday, December 6, 2019 – The Magician – Reading by Lady Dyanna

The energy of The Magician in a relationship indicates that you have found your soulmate. That does not mean your work is over and you can sit back and enjoy. The energy of The Magician represents your ideal partner. You have lots in common, you make each other laugh you have a common interest, lots to talk about, it is a very active relationship. This is someone who is not exactly like you but someone who compliments you. They will push you to be your best self, you will need to start growing and maturing. Your significant other will insist that you maximize your true potential and be the best you that you can be in all aspects of your life. Your significant other will encourage you to be self-sufficient and self-reliant. They want to be proud of you, therefore, you must make something of yourself.

If you are single the energy of The Magician indicates you will soon meet your twin soul, life mate or soulmate. You will feel a strong emotional as well as a spiritual connection between you and this person. The energy will be intense, don’t lose your self in the emotional and physical connection it will wither unless you cultivate the spiritual side of the connection too.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Daily Relationship Energy Reading

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Oracle Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on August 22, 2019.

Green Witch Tarot

Relationship Energy – Thursday, December 5, 2019 – 3 of Pentacles -Readings by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Thursday, December 5, 2019 – 3 of Pentacles -Readings by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the 3 of Pentacle in a relationship indicates your relationship has reached a place where it is stable and ready to move forward. New energy is coming in, this may be the purchasing of a new home or starting a business that you both will be involved in. Whatever the endeavor is it adds strength to the commitment between you and your partner.

The energy of the 3 of Pentacles if you are single indicates the possibilities for a romance may be found in or around your place of employment.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Daily Relationship Energy Reading

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Oracle Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on July 24, 2019.

Silver Witchcraft Tarot