Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year to all my readers.

“The New Year, like an Infant Heir to the whole world, was waited for, with welcomes, presents, and rejoicings.”
–  Charles Dickens, The Chimes

What will you do with this New Year? Will you carry last years issues, concerns doubts and unhappiness forward with you? Will you give yourself and those you care about a new opportunity? That means you do not compare actions in the present with the past. You do not use the taint of events from the past to color the present. Give your self a chance to start fresh give the ones you love the same chance. In the spiritual world many changes occur long before they are viewed in the physical. Take time to ask your inner being if there is work in progress within you that need more nurturing. Is there work in progress in your significant other or TF that also needs more time and nurturing before the change can be seen in the physical. Take this time and look within. Remember when we plant a seed it takes a while for it to sprout and even longer for it to bear fruit. It is also true in spiritual work and no matter how impatient you are, like the seed it will mature and bear fruit only when it is the right time.  This New Year why not make a resolution to be patient with your self  to nurture your inner being and to bring him/her forward into the physical as often as you can. Remember that you are a spiritual being in a physical world. Take time to ask your inner being what that really mean for you and your significant other or TF and how does that change the way you handle life from moment to moment. Let this new year bring forth your spiritual self, explore how that aspect of you flourish and prosper.  Your New Years resolution to be a spiritual being in a physical world allows you to release past events and live in the moment. It is what makes being a spiritual being  in a physical world so special.

Miscellaneous New Year Comments

Magickal Graphics

Yule 2012

Yule Gifts for your self

This Yule give your self the gift of love, peace, harmony and increased happiness. Take some time for your self during this yule season and meditate on an abundance of love, peace, and harmony in your life. Being stressed is normal during the yule season but it does not have to be normal for you. Take time and remember that you are a soul with a body and as such you deserve peace, and harmony in your life. Insist in having a state of inner peace and harmony no matter how stressful the activity around you.  Take the time to mediate each day to focus on building on the core of inner peace and harmony with in you.  Create a phrase or a word that can return you to that sense of inner peace and harmony when things get hectic or you begin to feel that your inner peace is slipping away. What we feel within is what we send out into the energy around us. If you have cultivated a strong  reserve of inner peace and harmony  that is what will flow from you and that is what will flavor the energy around you. It may not make the Grinchs and Scrooges love you but it will insulate you from their negativity. If you are interacting with your tf or significant other while you prepare for your evening out do not just prepare your physical appearance, also prepare your inner appearance. Your sense of inner peace, harmony and love will make the energy between you enjoyable and filled with a sense of peace that can go a long ways to making for a pleasant evening or encounter even in a stressful setting.  Remember love, peace, harmony and increased happiness starts with you no one can give you these things. They can be shared but they must exist within you first.

Yule Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Samhain 2012

Samhain 2012 Releasing the old!!

Samhain is a time for releasing the old. It is the Celtic New Year, and like all New Years it offers opportunities for new beginnings. Those who still
have changes they would like to make I suggest using the energy of this coming Samhain 2012 as a great time to do so. Make a list of old habits, old beliefs, old ideas and ideals, that does not resonate with who you have become on your spiritual journey. You may have noticed that even though you are making great spiritual strides to awaken to your true self, you are pulled back by old habits or beliefs about who you are. Make Samhain 2012 special by using the energy of this day to release all old habits, ideas and ideals that come between you and your spiritual self.  Be aware that similar old habits and beliefs may plague your twin soul as he/she journey to strive for spiritual awakening.  Old habits and beliefs may hold both of you in thrall, making it difficult to see your way to the steps necessary to bring your relationship to physical fruition. Remember as you release the old replace it with divine love. As you recognize an old idea, ideal, belief or pattern that no longer serve you surround it with divine love and empower that divine love to replace it with that which fits your new spiritual awareness. Be open to releasing the old ideas and ideals that you use to shape your beliefs about what your relationship should look like. Surround them in divine love and open your awareness to be shown what love between the souls really look like, and really feel like.  Let Samhain 2012 be the beginning of a new awareness free of old ideas and ideals that no longer serve your spiritual awakening or your spiritual relationship. Wishing you a Blessed Samhain.

Samhain Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Litha, Summer Solstice, Mid Summer

Litha Comments & Graphics

Magickal Graphics
This is a time to celebrate your strengths be proud of them..make it a family and friend event and honor each others strengths, and accomplishments.