Though we may be physically apart, spiritually we are always united, for love transcends space and time. Nothing is missing.
It is the connection between the spiritual beings that hold the relationship together. Even when the one who holds your heart is not physically present the love is still strong when you are aware of each other both on a spiritual level as well as a physical level.
Category: Quote
Weekly Relationship Awareness April 4, 2022 – April 10, 2022 by Lady Dyanna
“You cannot convince someone to see something that they do not want to see, or just cannot see, no matter how much you know it would improve their life. You have to love and accept them exactly as they are today. If you cannot do that, you have to let them go and find their own way, in their own time, if they ever choose to do so. Otherwise, you’ll be giving them the power over your happiness, too. “
Weekly Relationship Awareness March 28, 2022 – April 3, 2022 by Lady Dyanna
Criticizing one another will only lead to further unhappiness. Love and accept each other as you are and your relationship will magically transform.
If you do not love your partner enough to accept them as they are then it is time to think about moving on. We can not change anyone if you entered into a relationship with the belief that you can change the person you are in for a rude awakening. Permanent change only occurs if the person desires to change. Insisting that someone changes to remain in a relationship makes for a very tense situation and if they do not genuinely wish to change it can add trust issues to an already unpleasant situation.
Weekly Relationship Awareness March 21, 2022 – March 27, 2022 by Lady Dyanna
Don’t make decisions based on guilt or what you think you should do, for it is only in being true to yourself that you can be true to others.
If there is something happening in your relationship that you do not like speak with your partner about it now. The longer you wait the harder it will be to deal with. If you wait and bring it up when you are angry or unsettled it will be looked at as if you are only speaking about it because you are angry. When you first notice an issue that is unsettling that is when you address it.
Weekly Relationship Awareness March 14, 2022 – March 20, 2022 by Lady Dyanna
“We are here for a very short time. It’s easy to get distracted or become so ingrained in habits that time seems to slip by faster than it really does. Once you realize you’ve not spent enough of your time where you wanted it to be, it’s important to stay aware of where your minutes and hours are spent daily. Make your priorities into priorities instead of putting them off for some other time. Being your best and trying your best are the same thing. The longer you try your best, the better you will become. Be patient, but persistent. ” Doe Zantamata