Weekly Relationship Awareness September 26, 2022 – October 2, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

“No matter how long it takes, true love is always worth the wait. If you are with someone just to be with someone, then you won’t be available when the right someone comes along. Fear of being alone is a subconscious fear that you alone are not whole, not enough, not love in and of yourself. That energy will come across as desperation and will lead to a relationship with someone either very needy or very controlling. Neither of those are love. Feeling whole and complete alone but being open to a loving relationship will be the exact right energy to begin and foster a beautiful connection. And no matter if it happens early in life or later in life, nothing will be missed and no time wasted. Certain qualities take time to develop, cannot be rushed, and can only be appreciated once they become complete. “Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness September 19, 2022 – September 25, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 19, 2022 - September 25, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

“You cannot receive true love until you love yourself first. We see only a reflection of ourselves in other people. You will only accept the love that you feel inside. If you don’t love yourself, you will think it’s love when someone treats you poorly, even though in your mind, you may know you should be treated better. If you were treated better, you would lose interest because it would not match the feeling you have inside. We reject anything more than we feel we truly deserve. Love yourself, accept yourself, and you will no longer be attracted to those who don’t treat you with love and kindness. Feel love, receive love. ” Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness September 12, 2022 – September 18, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 12, 2022 - September 18, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

“There are two things you should never be afraid of when resolving a disagreement with someone you love: to tell them when you think that they are wrong and to admit to them when you believe that they are right. Neither will be easy to do at first, but both will ultimately build greater trust between you and a deeper love and respect. ”
Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness September 5, 2022 – September 11, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 5, 2022 - September 11, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

“Love means, “I accept you as you are, exactly as you are. It does not mean that you are perfect, but it does mean that every single thing about you is 100% acceptable. Many things are even more than just acceptable, they are wonderful! But there is absolutely nothing you need to change in order to become loveable.” The moment you believe these things about yourself, you have found true love. You are then open to share it with another person who feels the same way. “Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness August 29, 2022 – September 4, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness August 29, 2022 - September 4, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

“Forgiveness only means to let go of resentment towards a person or event. It means to accept that it happened and to move on from there. It does not mean to pretend that it never happened at all. ”
Doe Zantamata