Weekly Relationship Awareness April 17, 2023 – April 23, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness April 17, 2023 – April 23, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“Looking for love can feel like searching for a missing piece of your heart. You will keep looking for that one special person who will complete you, until you finally realize that person is you. It’s better to share a full heart with another person, rather than one that has a piece missing that they can never fill. Decide that your goal is to love your whole life. Look at what’s preventing that from being true and what already allows it. Plan for better days and work towards them. Use “yes” and “no” more and more to reflect your true feelings, not what you think everyone wants to hear. ” Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness April 10, 2023 – April 16, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness April 10, 2023 – April 16, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“Some people think that if they always assume the best in people and their intentions, that’s “being positive,” but it’s really not. Now, it’s not good to assume the worst, either. Just don’t assume anything. Ask. Observe. Ask again. Observe again. If you only assume the best, you will eventually be disappointed when you realize that they are not who they never were. If you ask and observe, you can truly get to know them, and choose to accept them as they really are, with no false pedestals and no expectations of perfection. That’s “being positive.” In fact, that’s love. ” Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness April 2, 2023 – April 9, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness April 2, 2023 – April 9, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“Everything in the world has a natural ebb and flow. The tides move out but flow in again. While the flow is much more comfortable, the ebb has great meaning. When time and resources are stripped away, you can see clearly what and who truly matters to you and who you matter to in return. When your flow returns, you’ll know exactly with who and where your time will be best spent, with a brand new appreciation for it all. “Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness March 27, 2023 – April 2, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness March 27, 2023 – April 2, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“The worst thing about lies is that they cause a person to doubt if they should trust so much. But the problem isn’t too much trust, the problem is too many lies. Recognize when you can’t trust a certain person anymore but don’t let that spill over to all people. You’ll never find true love at arm’s length, but if you put up a wall of mistrust, that’s the closest anyone can get. “Doe Zantamata



Weekly Relationship Awareness March 20, 2023 – March 26, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness March 20, 2023 – March 26, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“Always assume that people cannot understand your perspective and feelings unless you’ve explained them to them. What is so clear from where you stand may be completely invisible from a different perspective. If you do explain and they still don’t get it or just don’t care, then it doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your time. It just means that you now know for sure that if you value being understood or considered, this won’t be a person who can do those things very well, if even at all. “Doe Zantamata