Yule Blessing 2024

May the sun’s rebirth at Yule bring renewed light to your heart and soul. As we embrace the longest night, may we find peace in the stillness and wisdom in the silence. Blessed be this season of renewal and hope.

Yule Blessings

Mabon 2024

Mabon Blessings

As the wheel of the year turns to Mabon,
We give thanks for the harvest’s bounty.
May the balance of light and dark guide us,
And the wisdom of the season fills our hearts.


Winter Solstice 2023

As the sun pauses in the sky, let your heart be filled with light and happiness. Happy Winter Solstice! Thank you all for your support this past year. I will be taking a break until after the New Year. So I wish you Bright Blessings through the New Year.

Winter Solstice 2023

Independence Day

“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” — John Milton, “Areopagitica”

Independence Day