“Only you know in your heart what feels best for you. Trust yourself and your innermost intelligence. If the choice is to disappoint another person with the truth or disappoint yourself with trying to deny the truth, find the courage to disappoint them. It will only be short-term. In the long run, the real disappointment would be for them to find out your heart was never there. But by then, it will be too late, and neither of you will be able to relive a life that’s really true. One incredibly important thing to always, always remember about intuition is the tie between intuition and energy. There are only two methods of action: 1. Destruction, and 2. Construction. Intuition will never, ever, ever be a feeling, thought, have signs, or anything towards destructive behavior. Destructive behavior includes following, forcing, controlling, restricting, stalking, harming, holding a person against their will, or killing a person. These are all fear-based actions that fall under the false belief that if a person is in some way controlled or “gotten rid of,” then somehow things would be better. Will this ever apply to you? I hope not. But in the news media, some of the most heinous and violent crimes against children, against organizations, or against entire cultures is done with the belief of the offender that “God told them to do it” and that the world would be better if they did. Even John Wilkes Booth thought that his assassination of Abraham Lincoln was going to be considered a heroic act. If you or anyone you know are ever indicating that some kind of voice is telling you or them that a group of people is evil, or “must be stopped” or expresses a hatred that sets off your inner alarm bells, don’t wait until energy is added to that and it grows. Don’t pass it off or think they are joking. So many of the tragedies that occur could have been prevented if only warning signs were not ignored. If it turns out they were joking, or you were overreacting or got them in trouble for no reason, those are much lesser offenses than letting something awful happen that cannot ever be repaired. ” Doe Zantamata
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