“Building, or rebuilding, self-worth after the break up of a damaging relationship starts with stopping the negative thoughts of the one who is no longer there, and thinking positive thoughts of the one who still is…you. “Doe Zantamata
Category: Awareness
Weekly Relationship Awareness February 26, 2024 – March 3, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“Compassion dissolves anger. Understanding why someone behaves the way they do allows for forgiveness when they have mistreated you. Maybe they are insecure, or in pain, or maybe they even suffered some type of abuse in their lifetime, and you can see why they are the way they are. But when your compassion extends to excusing them for treating you poorly, over and over, it not only damages your self-worth, but prevents them from healing as well. Refuse to allow it to continue, for everyone’s sake. ” Doe Zantamata
Weekly Relationship Awareness February 19, 2024 – February 25, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“Some people will like you for no reason, some people will not like you for no reason. Who you choose to spend the most time, thoughts, and effort on, depend on exactly how much you like yourself. By just staying near to people who treat you poorly, you are telling them it’s OK to do so. Only keep people close to you who treat you well. ” Doe Zantamata
Weekly Relationship Awareness February 12, 2024 – February 18, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“Never confuse self-love with big ego, the two are entirely different. A big ego requires a person to think they are better than others and will put others down in order to keep that perception. Self-love means you are your own best friend and you love, accept, consider, encourage, care for, and believe in yourself. Through that, you are able to do that for others even indirectly by inspiring them to do the same. To be grateful for the gift of a lifetime means to love it…to love you. “Doe Zantamata
Weekly Relationship Awareness February 5, 2024 – February 11, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“First bliss comes naturally. Second bliss is a choice. It’s the choice to trust, to love, to put yourself out there, knowing full well that you can get hurt. But you won’t be able to live, love, and experience all the joys of life if you don’t put yourself back out there again. It takes courage –a lot of courage– but it’s worth it. “Doe Zantamata