“Every single day holds opportunities for growth. If you’re seeing something negative persist in your life, picture a goal of what you’d ideally like that picture to look like instead. Keep that picture fresh in your mind daily, and make choices that are in the direction of that picture. If something or someone does not fit into that picture, then put your attention on someone or something that does instead. “Doe Zantamata
Category: Awareness
Weekly Relationship Awareness April 1, 2024 – April 7, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“If you found out, realized, or learned something today that totally changes how you would have acted, or decisions you made in the past, don’t beat yourself up for not knowing it before. Think instead of how much your life will change from this day forward, now that you know it, and how much better and wiser your decisions will be in the future. Be grateful that you learned it today, and not ten years from now. “Doe Zantamata
Weekly Relationship Awareness March 25, 2024 – March 31, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“It’s never a good time for bad news, but it’s always the right time for the truth. The longer a lie is held, the more difficult it becomes to reveal the truth. If it’s held a long time, two truths must be told: the original lie, and the reason it was held and covered so many times for so long. One becomes a thousand, and one is easier to forgive, and maintain trust, than many. Revealing is painful, but sooner is always easier, less painful, and better than later. “Doe Zantamata
Weekly Relationship Awareness March 18, 2024 – March 24, 2024, by Lady Dyanna
“If someone asks you to do more and you have a big reaction inside, it may be a sign that you’re already doing too much. Even strong, independent, hard-working people have limits and deserve to rest. Doing your best is a wonderful thing, but doing all you possibly can for as long as you possibly can will eventually lead to burning out and feeling unappreciated by the people around you. “Doe Zantamata