Weekly Relationship Awareness September 2, 2024 – September 8, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 2, 2024 – September 8, 2024, by Lady Dyanna“Faith means to believe something is true without having to see real proof. In fact, sometimes, faith means to believe something is true, despite what the “real” proof shows. If you have faith in a person, and it looks like, or you hear gossip that this person has done something wrong, you won’t believe it until you hear it directly from them. Faith is tied to trust. You cannot have faith without trust, or trust without faith.  “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships


Weekly Relationship Awareness August 26, 2024 – September 1, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness August 26, 2024 – September 1, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

“Every sunset is a curtain call to a day in the life of those who had the opportunity to live it. Challenges were met, smiles were exchanged, love was given. Do the best you can with each day because the show won’t go on forever. Make sure each and every day, you give the performance of a lifetime.  “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships


Weekly Relationship Awareness August 19, 2024 – August 25, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness August 19, 2024 – August 25, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

“When you really try to do right, to be positive, to be honest, and not many others seem to do the same or even care that you do, you may wonder “what’s the point?” But that is the point. In your way, with your means, in your time here, you’re making things better. No amount is too small but chances are the effect you have on people is much greater than you realize. “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships


Weekly Relationship Awareness August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

“Be aware of button pushing during disagreements. One common way that a person may attempt to sway your opinion is to introduce false isolation. That is, to say, “well everybody thinks what I think, and only you think differently. “Everybody may be family, a group of friends, or just a made up “everybody that doesn’t really exist. If you react, not wanting to be the only one left out, then this method of persuasion will be used on you again and again. You will eventually lose confidence in your own thoughts. It usually comes after you ask for a reason. If there isn’t a good one…everybody else thinks so seems to get pulled out as if that is a reason. But it’s really not. Being aware of this allows you to respond and again ask for a reason, rather than just react and be persuaded against your own true feelings. It is good to be open to and consider other peoples opinions when things actually concern and affect them. But, be careful not to just abandon your own needs and concerns just because you’ve been told a group thinks otherwise…especially when decisions and outcomes don’t even affect them. Every person has wants, needs, and opinions, and yours are just as valid and important as those of anyone else. “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships


Weekly Relationship Awareness August 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness August 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024, by Lady Dyanna

“Courage takes forethought. You can feel awkward now for using it, or regretful later for not using it. There is some resistance in every chosen path, but the one that requires courage is usually the best one to choose. It leads to the real you. People talk often of taking the path of least resistance, but in the present moment it will always seem easier to avoid than deal with those awkward feelings. So it’s best to think more in terms of choices and consequences and summon up that courage within. You won’t regret it. “Doe Zantamata
Intuitive Reader Specializing in Love and Spiritual Relationships