Weekly Relationship Awareness September 11, 2023 – September 17, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness September 11, 2023 – Septembr 17, 2023, by Lady Dyanna

“If someone doesn’t accept you now, it’s likely they won’t accept you later, either. Don’t change for anyone. Even if you change everything they’ve complained about, they’ll just make up a new list of things for you to work on. Having a discussion and being honest with each other can do more than just salvage a relationship, it can save it. What is it that you don’t like about each other? Be open. Can you each accept those things even if you’d prefer them to be different? If the answer is no, then realize that it will be a repeating argument. Even if people make promises to change and even if they really want to, it still takes time. No sense both of you being unhappy in the meantime about things that may or may not ever change. That “meantime” could be a whole lifetime away. “Doe Zantamata