Relationship Energy – Sunday, November 3, 2019 – King of Pentacles - Readings by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Sunday, November 3, 2019 – King of Pentacles – Readings by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Sunday, November 3, 2019 – King of Pentacles - Readings by Lady Dyanna

The King of Pentacles today reminds you to be practical, steady, reliable,  trustworthy, patient,  and slow to anger. Spend some time today with family, evaluate what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled and go after it with the same energy that you use to propel your self to financial success. Build on past achievements to pursue new goals and dreams.

The energy of the King of Pentacles in a relationship reading indicates passions are released. A past-life connection is the root of this relationship which leads to a deep level of understanding between you and your SO. Travel with your SO is indicated in the near future for you.  However, there may be times in which you have to be pragmatic and play politics when that happens, go by your basic instincts.

The energy of the King of Pentacles in a reading if you are single indicates a courtship that finds you being wined and dined and treated like royalty. This relationship with its strong connections may lead to a committed relationship.

Weekly Relationship Energy


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Daily Relationship Energy Reading

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Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on June 15, 2019.

Infinite Vision Tarot