The energy of the King of Wands indicates a need to sit down and think about your goals today. You have a very clear understanding of yourself, what you’re capable of, and what you want in your future. Use that energy to get intentional. Not only can you set great goals today, but you also have the energy to start working towards them!
In a relationship reading the energy of the King of Wands indicates someone who is already committed elsewhere. They may already be in a relationship or they may be committed to their career. Either way, their attention is elsewhere. If you are the one they are committed to then it could be fun but at times demanding adventure. The energy of this card indicates a lover of home and family life. Someone who is very passionate and good at moral support and encouragement.
If you are single the energy of this King of Wands is not there to start a relationship but to inspire you, to push you to excel, to use your full potential. He is there to encourage you and to support your dreams whatever they may be and to remind you to begin your inner journey.
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This card was last seen February 21, 2019
Ancestral Path Tarot