The energy of the 3 of swords indicates something in your life is harmful to you and you know it. Today it is time to let it go. It’s going to hurt but this release is also going to create beautiful space for something better. The sooner you can let go the sooner you will be able to heal.
The 3 of Swords in a relationship could indicate the possibility of rejection and separation, coming to the realization that you have experienced enough heartache.
Concluding that the pain you may feel at parting is nothing compared to the continued unhappiness that you are experiencing in the relationship, you are prepared to move on. Perhaps you are aware that a change is needed the 3 of Swords is pushing you to make that change.
On a milder note, this card may indicate poor communication after a misunderstanding or disagreement. You are shutting your partner out or your partner is shutting you out.
If you are seeking a relationship this card indicates a need to evaluate past patterns and beliefs that have caused unhappiness and a need to work those out before starting a new relationship.
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This card was last seen February 19, 2019
Celtic Dragon Tarot