The energy of the 2 of Wands indicates a need to slow down and consider your options today. You have amazing potential. Consider carefully how you want to use your time and energy. Don’t go running after the first opportunity that comes along if it doesn’t feel exactly right. Take your time.
The 2 of Wands in a relationship reading indicates that you and your partner concur on some things that you have both spent lots of time thinking about. These dreams that you share are the glue that holds you together when the relationship becomes bumpy and uncertain. They are the source of your tightest bond. It may be a while before these dreams manifest into reality but the journey proves to be amazing. The energy of this card indicates that you are moving in the right direction in your life when it comes up whether in a relationship or other readings for your personal life.
If you are single this card indicate that you are very close to finding that special someone. You may be spending a great deal of time seeking online and feeling disappointed. Don’t despair the one you are seeking is indeed there and seeking you too.
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This card was last seen December 9, 2018.
Shadowscapes Tarot