The energy of the 2 of Pentacles indicates the need to stay centered and flexible. You are about to encounter vast changes and fluctuations in your day to day way of being. The 2 of Pentacles reminds you to believe in your self as you deal with the changes. You will soon find that you are able to handle them with ease and enjoy the challenge. Know that you have all that you need to meet your every goal and more.
You are experiencing the ups and downs of a relationship, struggling to make time for each other. However, if you plan some time away together it will be well worth it. The change of pace will usher in a new phase in your relationship. Regardless of the struggle necessary for both of you to get time off to spend together make it happen. Your relationship will appreciate it and so will you.
If you are single this card indicates that if you are feeling out of sorts you will soon be enjoying a time of high energy, laughter, fun and good times.
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This card was last seen December 4, 2018.
The Robin Wood Tarot