Relationship Energy – Friday, January 4, 2019 – 8 of Swords

Relationship Energy – Friday, January 4, 2019 – 8 of Swords

Relationship Energy – Friday, January 4, 2019 – 8 of Swords

The energy of the 8 of Swords indicates the possibility of dealing with jealousy from colleagues or family, crisis, difficulties and adverse circumstances dictated by beliefs and conditioning. The energy of the 8 of Swords also reminds you that in spite of the circumstance and what feels like a lack of options you can find a way out if you believe it is possible.

The energy of the 8 of Swords indicates that you are stuck but only because you are afraid to cut yourself loose. If you are in a relationship this energy can mean that your relationship needs to move to the next level but it does not feel like the right time to make that move. It could also mean that there is no next level because you are involved in an unproductive relationship. Either way, you need to find your clarity of thought and purpose and use them to take the steps necessary to become unstuck. Being indecisive will work against you in this case.  If your reason for being in your relationship is not for love then find the solution needed to start things moving. Solutions are not always easy but they exist.

If you are single the energy of this card could mean that you are about to meet the love of your life. Or it could mean that you are lonely but refuse to do anything to change your circumstance. This card indicates you need to take a good look at what is stopping you from making the changes you need in your life and relationship. This time it is not someone or something else it is you that is holding yourself back.

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Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen October 11, 2018.

The Green Witch Tarot