Relationship Energy - Tuesday October 9, 2018 - 9 of Swords

Relationship Energy – Tuesday October 9, 2018 – 9 of Swords

Relationship Energy - Tuesday October 9, 2018 - 9 of Swords

The energy of the 9 of Swords indicates pain, worry, bad dreams, stress, and possible premonitions. This card is often a warning from your inner guide that the path you are on may be a difficult one. If you approach the appearance of this card as a cautionary sign you will be able to use it constructively. Examine your situation carefully to be sure you are making the best choices. Even a small change can make all the difference.

With the above in mind in a relationship, the energy of this card indicates that you are fearful about your relationship. You think perhaps your significant other no longer loves you or is cheating on you. The energy of this card does not indicate you should suffer in silence, instead, it is an indication that you need to clear the air with a heart-to-heart talk. Get your fears and doubts out in the open. Even if you are correct in your assumptions the truth is preferable to the fears and suspicion that is contributing to a troubled mind and loss of peace. Avoid being a martyr. Get enough sleep and find the courage to discuss what is troubling you with either the source of your unrest or with someone you trust to view thing objectively.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen on July 26, 2018.

The Robin Wood Tarot