Relationship Energy - Thursday September 6, 2018 - The Hanged Man

Relationship Energy – Thursday September 6, 2018 – The Hanged Man

Relationship Energy - Thursday September 6, 2018 - The Hanged Man

The energy of the Hanged Man reminds us that the best approach to a problem is not always the most obvious. When we want to force our will on someone is the time we should release. When we feel it is important to have our way that is when we should sacrifice. When we most want to act that is when we should wait. These contradictory moves when the Hang Man is present actually help us find what we are looking for. Most commonly the energy of this card indicates delay, a delay will occur until we change our perception or abandon the old way of doing things.

The Hanged Man in a relationship reading asks you to take a step back and observe.  Focus on what is important to you, free from comparing yourself to others. This is not the time to make major life changes. You are learning to hold your own by following the law of non-resistance. Less is more at the moment. Perception is important as it will determine how quickly things will begin moving for you again. Remember you have the key to move things forward.

You are going to need to look at things differently. You can begin by looking at things from your partner’s point of view. Once you do you will find the answer you need to get things moving again. The more you push to make something happen the less happens. Once you know what it is you want, you can have it, but only if you stop chasing it. This card indicates a need to wait patiently what you need will come when you stop pursuing it.

If you are single the energy of this card indicates that you do not need to rush into a relationship. Take your time what you desire will find you.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen June 22, 2018.

The Green Witch Tarot