Weekly Relationship Energy May 14, 2018 - May 20, 2018

Weekly Relationship Energy May 14, 2018 – May 20, 2018

This weeks relationship energy indicates that there may be some kind of conflict between you and your significant other. It could be a small petty aggravation or you finally feeling fed up with a habit that you have unsuccessfully tried to change over the course of your relationship. Do not allow this to derail things between you. It is time to take control of your life. Stay focused on the important things happening in your lives, do not get sidetracked now, do not allow your emotions to throw you off your course. If you weather the earlier aggravation of the week you will find opportunities for intimacy and let your feelings flow freely. The energy as the week winds down has you focused on what you and your significant other have achieved together. Continue Reading

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Lady Dyanna
