GUSTAVO CASTANER: “Karma Between Soulmates and Twinflames & The 12 Benefits of Manifesting Your Twinflame” — Circle of the Dolphins

It is sad to see how many people meet their twin flames and soulmates but then can’t stay together. Online forums are filled with people sharing how their relationship karma and drama got the best out of their relationship. Some swear that they would never again be in a relationship with their twinflame due to […]

via GUSTAVO CASTANER: “Karma Between Soulmates and Twinflames & The 12 Benefits of Manifesting Your Twinflame” — Circle of the Dolphins

What Do I do Now that I found my Twin Flame?

Understanding your twin flame relationship

Many of you have questions about having found your Twin Flame, now what do I do?  You need to understand that this is not an ordinary relationship and it does not adhere to the ordinary rules that you use to determine whether to go or stay in a relationship. First difference is this relationship is the beginning of a spiritual journey. Even though it touches your emotions and may even stir your libido it is still a spiritual union.  This relationship marks the beginning of a spiritual journey in which you get to know as much about your self and your inner essence as a possible and you grow spiritually. If you think a twin flame relationship is strictly about having someone to “call your own” this relationship will be a shocker to you. What happens during the relationship is that you realize that you must become a spiritual being in order to make the relationship work on a physical level. If you are not ready to begin a true spiritual journey then you are probably not ready for a twin flame relationship. If you are not ready to release all the things you think you know and believe about how a relationship should work you are not ready for a twin flame relationship.  If you are not ready to release the baggage from previous relationships and realize this is a unique and different experience you are not ready for a twin flame relationship. That said if you are truly ready then your journey begins by looking within for that which connects you to your Twin Flame.  You must first become one with your inner essence/soul. From there you will be directed on how to proceed with the manifesting of your Twin Flame relationship into the physical. Also be aware that your “ego” and your soul/inner essence can not share the same “house”. So you have some choices to make, when you have made them amazingly enough you will have taken the steps to find your Twin Flame or the steps to work out the relationship in the physical. Finale note since souls which are the base of Twin Flame relationships do not “dangle carrots” know that if you have met your Twin Flame it is because the relationship is meant to manifest in this life time in the physical. The only thing that will stop it is the choices you make.

Twin Flame Twin Soul Relationships

Twin Flame Twin Soul  relationships have a spiritual beginning

First of all if your ego is the first thing that enters the conversation/relationship with you twin soul you lose. If your pride and your ego enter the conversation or the relationship it is done.  Twin flame relationships serve the purpose of elevating the participant to the highest spiritual  level that can be achieved. Thru a twin soul relationship you may achieve Nirvana. Problem is most people try to get there by a twin body relationship which includes egos, pride and props. Too bad they work for your ordinary short term relationships but get no where fast in a twin soul relationship. The twin soul relationship is a relationship that began in the spiritual realm of the soul and is introduced to the physical realm not to tease or to torture. but to show you what is achievable by connecting spiritually to another being. Because all things must be created on the spiritual/astral/higher plane  before it manifest in your life the twin soul  relationship becomes a true challenge for us. Because we do not truly realize that we are creating most of the time with our thoughts good, bad or  indifferent we begin the creation process in our lives with out us being aware that we are creating.  The twin flame relationship requires us to be completely aware of the spiritual side of our lives it can not be addressed in the hit and miss fashion that most of our lives are treated to.. When you learn to focus on a event in the spiritual you realize that you have more control than you think over your life. The key is that spiritual focus connects you to the soul the author of your fantastic relationship also the one with the inside knowledge on manifesting your life in a positive manner. It then becomes like having the key to the front door of the bank and the combination to the vault and the legal right to use both as you desire. Unfortunately in this exclusive relationship between twin souls  these guys, egos, pride and relationship props are not welcome. Just as thieves are not welcome in the bank vault. They have an uncanny way of destroying all that we have worked so hard for.  Sometimes we just have to grit our teeth and say “yes this is really annoying” but I am going to let it pass with out comment mentally or physically. Learning to do that helps remove the events that make you feel that way. If you can’t do that events that make you feel that way continue they play directly to you ego, pride and need for relationship props.. Important to remind yourself when interacting with your twin soul that all you truly need to be happy is love if you have that  everything else will follow… Even the relationship coming to fruition. It is where you focus  that creates what you get in life. I have found that a body to body connection in a twin soul relationship is not very fulfilling, but a soul to soul connection well that rocks. But you can only achieve that if you look to the soul/spiritual aspect of the relationship to create the physical aspect. Can’t create it from the physical inward that my friends don’t work either.

How do you achieve this connection spiritually without spending every minute thinking about it because obviously you can not do that. Ladies you do it the same way  you apply your make up, you do it before you walk out the door you take a moment and place your daily interaction in a positive though pattern.. Gentlemen you do the same . If we are going to meet our twin flames/twin souls after a long day  ladies you refresh your makeup before you go out gentlemen you take care of the 5 o’clock shadow before you go out right?  Then refresh your positive approach to to the events of the evening..take nothing for granted always prepare with a positive mind set and reinforce that as often as necessary. For those of you who want to leave nothing to chance think of it this way it is the souls relationship so the souls will be done in the handling of the relationship..they have got to know more about what is going on than the body because it has been their relationship more lifetimes than the years you have lived in this body. It isn’t their first relationship it is your first twin soul relationship.

Manifesting Your Relationship

When you think of your Twin Flame relationship do you think of it being something that will occur in the future or do you think of it as happening right now? Manifesting anything requires that we believe that we have a right to it and visualizing that it is here now in our lives. Manifesting require us to focus in the present in a positive way.

Manifesting a loving Twin Flame Relationship requires that you believe that you deserve to be part of this special relationship. Believe in yourself, love yourself, it is okay to recognize that you are special and have experienced something unique and different from your friends and family.

Our twin flames mirror us in many ways how do you expect him/her to love you if you do not love you? Look within do you love yourself, do you even like who you are, are you happy with the person you see in the mirror or are you always finding fault with him/her? Believing in your self and loving yourself gives of a very different energy from the person who is constantly down on themselves and negative about who they are.

Manifesting love like all things start within. It starts with your thoughts and what you truly believe about yourself. The power of positive thinking began within you, when you find yourself doubting your right to have a special loving relationship you are still manifesting. If you must manifest something for your life make it positive not in a narcissistic way but in a I AM THAT I AM way. You are special and you deserve a special loving relationship when you believe that so will your Twin Flame/ Twin Soul.Many people say Twin Flame/ Twin Soul relationships are difficult. They are difficult because to have such a relationship one must fight the hardest battle of all that is the battle of self. One must manifest personal changes in their beliefs about themselves about their I AM presence and about the “limits and boundaries” they have allowed to control their lives. All created by their thoughts and beliefs.
There are many outside negative influences that make the relationship difficult but the ones that must really be overcome first and foremost are the ones within.

What we believe and what we think is what we manifest in our lives, our relationships, career. finances etc… Isn’t it time you took a more positive approach to your Twin Flame/Twin Soul relationship, to yourself and all aspects of your life?

Lady Dyanna’s book Forever Twin Flames and Twin Souls A Guide for Soul Based Relationships offer insight into how to address the positive approach to soul based relationships. It teaches you how to use affirmations to focus positive intent and thoughts into your life.

The Power of Vision

Last month I bought an S-Type Sapphire Blue Limited Edition Jaguar. Now besides it being a nice car, I’m thrilled to tell you how I acquired it. Vision!

Yes, I’ve been thinking of buying the Jaguar for about two years. In fact, I have a folder in my computer labeled Project Freedom and Discovery, a sub-folder called The Golden Pages. My visions made a reality that clearly reads, I own a S-Type Jaguar. I believe I made that declaration in 2002. Well, the car has been manifested in reality. It is in my driveway right now!

Many of us have heard of “The Secret” by now, maybe even getting tired of hearing about it or wondering if it works. Some are sure that it does, while others want to believe it works. They keep watching it over and over but it’s those moments when things just don’t happen fast enough that one questions it.

Unfortunately, it is the questioning of anything you dream that could make it not work. You might question “The Secret” which in turn actually makes the power of attraction concept very accurately stated, what you think about you bring about. If you doubt it works, then it doesn’t.

I’ve always believed that the things you think you can achieve, you can and will manifest and I’ve been pretty adamant about it. I never questioned whether I would own theJaguar. Never! If anything, the question was when?. When would be the right time to purchase it?

Many of my own successes and failures have come from the mere fact that I only THOUGHT of it in the beginning. The miracles that people in my circle come to wonder about happened because I was willing to think about it, visualize it and go for it.

The irony of it all is some people used to say to me, this doesn’t make sense, I don’t understand you or the all time favorite, you talk funny and communicate weird. Some rebelled against me and what I was teaching. Some said some pretty nasty things yet somewhere within their heart, they knew it worked. Where are they now! I wonder? Some are doing the work and manifesting dreams, while others are trying to get out of quicksand.

Where are you in making your dreams a reality, in quicksand or manifesting? Either way, life presents us with opportunities to move forward or take a step back. In each moment, we have that choice and we have the choice to take it or leave it.

As founder and president of The Power, Passion & Purpose Group, Lisa Thomas brings over twenty years experience in business, relationship and individual life coaching. Join the P3groups mailing list to receive our online magazine – The P3 Power Boost Magazine for Women at