Beltane Blessings

Beltane Blessings

One of the animals associated with Beltane is the swan. The magical meaning of the swan is love, union, and partnership: swans mate for life. Just as the Goddess and God join in union on Beltane, swans reflect this eternal commitment in their own union. Swans also represent loyalty, fidelity, and faithfulness, reflecting the joining of Mother Earth and Father Sun when the sun is released from its bondage of winter and able to rule over summer and life once again. Swan symbolism includes grace, power, inner beauty, elegance, purity and balance.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Though we may be physically apart, spiritually, we are always united, for love transcends space and time. Nothing is missing.



“Love means, “I accept you as you are, exactly as you are. It does not mean that you are perfect, but it does mean that every single thing about you is 100% acceptable. Many things are even more than just acceptable, they are wonderful! But there is absolutely nothing you need to change in order to become loveable.” The moment you believe these things about yourself, you have found true love. You are then open to share it with another person who feels the same way. ”

Doe Zantamata


What kind of relationship is a twin flame/ twin soul relationship?

I am reblogging this from an earlier blog post because the issue has not really changed .

What kind of relationship is a twin flame/ twin soul relationship? Is it a spiritual relationship or a physical relationship? Scenario: You meet the most remarkable person, there is instant bonding… Then nothing, the other person pulls back, pull away. You keep trying to find a way to reconnect. Unfortunately, all of your efforts are directed at the physical body. Are you surprised when it doesn’t work? Yes, you are. Do you know why it doesn’t work? Here is where the real trouble begins… Those who say it shouldn’t be. Those who tell you that you are obsessing and those who have absolutely no clue but are full of suggestions. Well here is a very simple answer the original moments, days weeks, or even months of bonding were caused by a simple soul to soul connection. This connection is really what the relationship is all about. To find that wonderful bond again you must find the soul to soul connection again.  Unless you have made the acquaintance of your own soul you are going to have a bit of difficulty getting to know his/her soul.  It is this that makes the twin flame/twin soul relationship difficult for many. It requires you to focus on your spiritual well-being in order to manifest the physical, spiritual bonding that brought you so much joy. Are you willing to do the work and get to know your own soul so you can have the relationship of your dreams? That is what makes a twin flame/twin soul relationship both special and difficult… It forces you to be the best being you can be and that requires you to get to know your soul and its true purpose usually a purpose that you share with your twin flame/twin soul. It really and truly is a soul-based relationship.

Weekly Relationship Energy – March 9, 2020 – March 15, 2020 – by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Energy – March 9, 2020 – March 15, 2020 – Helping you Give and Receive Love

Weekly Relationship Energy – March 9, 2020 – March 15, 2020 – Helping you Give and Receive Love 

At times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives. Let go and all will work out.

Love is meant to flow through from within you and without, cleansing your energy field so that you can feel your soul’s worth and know that you are always loved. Love may not be coming to you in the form you prefer, but don’t overlook its presence. Express love towards yourself and others remember, loving your neighbor means starting at home with self-love. Let go of all the old ways of looking at and thinking about love, you may find that it is indeed right there in front of you when you change your perceptions about love.